Success Stories

Nutrition Littleton MA Jill Testimonial

I’m back in my old clothes! What a feeling!

"Best Fit Nutrition has helped me with weight that would not go away even after 18 months of watching what I ate and increased workouts. I had all this issue with my weight and now I’m back into my old clothes, what a feeling! I feel great, seasonal allergies disappeared, more energy, my skin looks awesome, and sleeping better.

I am very skeptical in general but have referred many people to Best Fit Nutrition because of my results. Thank you Joan."

- Jill B.

"I wanted to take a moment to thank Joan for helping me feel better than ever! I’m 51 and healthy but the last few years my body just didn’t feel right. I was tired, not sleeping well, and could not shed the extra weight that I’d gained over the last five years."

"I was working out and eating healthy but I knew I needed more. Fortunately, I heard about Joan through one of her patients (who looked fabulous!) and even though I don’t live in Boston, I decided to sign up for her remote coaching program and I’m so glad I did. Since working with Joan I am back to my old energetic self. I particularly like her focus on food to heal the body and above all, how she customizes the requirements. There’s nothing cookie cutter about Joan; she develops a program tailored to you and that’s why she’s able to get real results with her patients. I’m sleeping well and waking up fully refreshed, I have energy throughout the day and I’ve lost the stubborn weight. I feel 21! Thanks Joan!"

- Paula

Nutritionist Littleton MA Joan With Patient

"I will never forget March 30, 2001. It was my first meeting with Joan. It's the first time someone heard all my concerns and I realized this was the person who would help me find a way to overall wellness."

I was referred to Joan by a doctor as a last effort to feel better. I'm a 58 year old retired nurse and for the past 20 years I have felt horrible. I've been to various doctors, weight loss clinics (Brigham and Women's and Greater Boston GI) and Exercise programs. The weight loss programs were a strict calorie reduction and made me feel worse. Nobody looked at chronic stress and the effect it had and how it changed my body on a hormonal level. Not one person knew how to look at my history and symptoms to help me feel better. That is... until I met Joan.

Here's a list of symptoms that worsened for me throughout the years and I thought it was all menopause related.

  • Chronic stress that turned into anxiety (work, family and health issues)
  • Difficulty losing weight, food cravings, heartburn, reflux
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Poor sleep
  • Fatigue throughout the day
  • Skin rashes, acne, worsening rosacea, puffy face and extremities, dry hair and skin, hair thinning
  • Food sensitivities, asthma
  • Teeth grinding elevated blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Changes in bowel habits, digestive problems related to international travel
  • Digestive issues related to international travel. Joan was the only one who identified this problem
  • Diminished libido

It's 10 months later, my health has dramatically improved. I still have some work to do but believe with Joan's help and individualized nutrition plan I can get there.

  • I no longer need Prilosec or asthma meds
  • I've lost weight
  • Lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Sleep through the night 7-9 hours
  • Manage my stress response much better
  • 98 of my joint muscle/muscle pain is gone
  • Food cravings have diminished, libido, skin and hair improved
  • Feeling more energetic and very little afternoon fatigue

Who knew about using food/nutrition to heal the body? I am now a believer in the value of the holistic nutrition to finding wellness at any age. Joan's kindness and wealth of knowledge has made the changes in my heath possible. I am "for-ever thankful" for Joan's help!

- Cindy

"Sunrise. Sun rays beaming on my face as I lay there in utter discomfort. “ Crap, another day”, I thought to myself. Another day of pain and discomfort, lack of energy and restlessness from the poor sleep I suffer with. This was my normal, my baseline. How at twenty-five years old has my body given up on me? Well, this was no easy story- it all started from my birth day."

I was a cesarean baby born back in Odessa, Ukraine, with minimal resources and limited medical knowledge. When I was extracted from my mother’s womb, my breathing ceased. According to doctor’s notes I went two minutes on this Earth without taking a breath- I was deemed mentally ill. They told my mother, whom at that time was preparing to immigrate to America, to leave me behind to start a new life. “She will be sick, you are too young to have a mentally ill child to care for”, they told her. Despite it all, she refused to give up on me and along with my family we all immigrated to America. My mom at the time was a twenty-four year old, russian-speaking immigrant with no medical knowledge. At age two, I contracted a very severe ear infection and was put on antibiotics, indefinitely. “ This is her only option to try and preserve her hearing”, they told my mother as the physicians encouraged her to move forward with cutting out my ear drum. For over two years I drank antibiotics every day. No holistic methodologies, no probiotics, no means to restore the flora in my intestines.

Since I was a little girl, I always struggled with stomach discomfort, sharp pains, bloating, diarrhea and weight gain. At age twenty-one I became tired of feeling sick constantly and dealing with feeling uncomfortable in my skin. I decided to make the most extreme change I could- I became a bodybuilder. So the workload began. At that time I was working full-time, studying full-time and training full-time. I had tunnel vision to change my body, but what I didn’t know was the detrimental damage I was doing to my already ill-functioning GI system. I ate two dry turkey patties with five sticks of asparagus six times a day, every day, for seven months for two years straight. I completely depleted all nutrients in my system. I was slowly achieving the look I've always wanted, but it came with a cost; I was feeling more sick than ever. Anything new I ingested or introduced to my fragile system threw my entire body out-of-whack for a week. My stomach would distend, the pain was so unbearable I found myself stuck in bed, miserable. Once I realized what I had done to myself and the sacrifice I made with my health for an aesthetic look, I stopped training altogether. What happened next was unbeknownst to me; I gained forty pounds. What I know now but didn't know then was that I had adrenal fatigue. The organ that sits on top of our kidneys and regulates the stress hormone, cortisol, has stopped doing it’s job. My adrenal gland became like a broken gas pedal, stuck in acceleration, constantly pushing cortisol into my bloodstream. I felt sick, anxious and exhausted on top of gaining weight, again. I tried to lose weight yet again, but nothing I did worked. It seemed as though the stress I have put my body under began to hold onto the weight as a cushion to avoid going into starvation as it did when I was training. I didn’t know what to do, but what I did know was that something had to change.

Upon a casual lunch date with a girlfriend, Joan’s work became the topic of conversation. My friend who struggled with many of the same symptoms as I did was raving about this specialist that has changed her world. You see, my friend was never a big believer of holistic practices, but she couldn’t stop talking about her nutritionist. I thought to myself, “well if it worked on a non-believer, what do I have to lose?”. I called Joan the very next day. Being that I live in North California, I had my first ‘visit’ over the phone with Joan. Two hours later I had a whole new regime to follow and a lifestyle change that I had to prepare to make. I would be lying if I were to say it was easy, but what I can say is that it was worth it. Joan’s extensive knowledge of whole foods and healing from the inside reflected on my new normal. Being a person that struggled with a slew of GI issues all my life and having one bowel movement a week, her work has truly changed my life. I have been working with Joan for three month now, and wow what a difference it has been! I haven't had a serious upset stomach, distention or any issues with bowel movements since following her regimen. I know this might not be the favored topic of conversation, but through experience I have learned that a happy colon will lead to a happy person! I feel like I can breath again, and deeper than ever before. Although it will probably take a while longer before I fully heal, I honestly could not thank Joan enough for getting me to where I am today! Thank you Joan for all that you do and all the lives you have and will continue to impact with your work!

- Geny R.

"Joan really showed me a new way of life. I was always uncomfortable in some way or another. I had bad gut issues, constant issues with UTI-like symptoms, anxiety, heavy periods, and that's just the shortlist!"

Nutrition Littleton MA Joanna Saade With Family Testimonial

"I'm a vegetarian and sometimes it's really hard to work with someone because they don't necessarily know what you should or shouldn't eat and how to get enough protein and that was definitely not the case here.

Joan had me eat very specific delicious high nutrient meals that always left me full and feeling great. She helped me understand the supplements I needed and why I needed to take them. My anxiety went away. I didn't even feel when I got my periods because I had absolutely no pain!! All my other symptoms almost disappeared. I understand so much more about my body and my health now. To top it all off I lost so much weight too!! Working with Joan was the best investment I've made and I can't wait to work with her again!!"

- Joanna S.

"I am happy to say I met Joan through my sister Marie... seeing the changes in her weight an wellness....made me want to go for myself. I finally made the commitment to go and meeting Joan has been the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time.
I admit I was nervous about going and afraid I would not be able to do it...."

"I finally made the commitment to do this for myself.... and she helped me with a plan that fit my lifestyle.... I was a about 143 pounds...when I came to her ..... feeling sluggish energy.....and with all sorts of physical ailments.... from asthma symptoms.. post nasal drip ... Headaches ..joint pain ...and many other things. I was taking migraine medicine ,Claritin, Aleve and Advil every day....along with the inhaler (in the winter time mostl y.)
My goal was to lose weight ....but also to get healthy and eat clean and learn about my body. Since I've been going to Joan.... not only have I lost more than 20 pounds.... I have not been this weight.... not even as a teenager!!! I've never felt better and more energetic with taking the Juice Plus and "poison cocktail" as we call other supplements tailored to "me"

All my asthma symptoms have gone... no more leg aches and joint pain... no more post nasal drip or migeain meds.....and with the collagen I take skin has lost a few wrinkles across my chest... and helped a little with other areas of my skin and hair. I'm 60 years old and never felt better in my life... I am so grateful having met Joan.!!! she has also helped me spiritually... and has been a wonde rful personal life coach as well.

Meeting her was definitely a miracle!!! Do it for deserve it. Thanks Joan for changing my life !!!"

- Anonymous

I’ve Added 10-15 Years To My Life!

“I came to Joan to improve my health. I had NO energy, I looked horrible and my blood tests showed high inflammation (cardiac risk), borderline high glucose, very low Vitamin D & B."


"I was also overweight and no matter what I did I could not lose any of it. I eat a very limited variety of food so I knew this was going to be a challenge. It wasn’t a challenge for Joan, she worked with me within those foods, made me be conscious of what I eat and slowly expanded my food choices. Within 8 months I have lost 43lbs and I feel great! I have energy again, a much better outlook on life and I don’t have any cravings! My body is healing and all my blood work is now at perfect levels. My doctor is astounded with the results and has said I’ve added 10-15 years onto my life!! It doesn’t get much better than that!! I know I couldn’t have done this without Joan’s kind, compassionate and enthusiastic approach. It has changed my life and I am very grateful to her.”

- Anonymous

"In thinking about what to write in a testimonial for you, I realized that I neglected to mention something to you that is kind of part of the big picture for me."

"For decades, I have been aware that I often eat when not hungry, probably to satisfy some other emotional need. I have noticed in the last 6 weeks that while this is diminished, I still want to eat sometimes even after a meal and when I am not hungry. While this impulse is greatly diminished, it is far from gone, and I was wondering whether you have any comment on this bad old habit? Thanks! If you prefer to discuss it rather than write about it, please phone, but I'd like to get your thoughts because I'd like to change this more if possible." 

- Susan

6 Incredible Benefits Over 6 Short Months

Nutrition Littleton MA Testimonial

"Top benefits of working with Joan McDevitt in the six months we’ve been working together:"

  1. I gave up artificial sweeteners. This is a huge deal. A self-confessed, lifelong sugar addict, I gave up sugar 25 years ago, and immediately switched to a dependency on aspartame, diet soda, and artificially sweetened desserts. I was sure I could never kick my shameful 50-packet-per-day habit, nor that I would even WANT to–but I did. Overnight.
  2. I don’t get cravings or urges to overeat. As a matter of fact, while still enjoyable, eating has taken on less importance in my life, instead of ruling me. For someone who struggled for most of my life with the compulsion to eat too much and an addiction to anything sweet, this is huge. No compulsion, no binging. I can stop eating something before it’s finished. Never could do that, ever.
  3. I’m working out every day, sleeping 8 hours a night, and sitting in restful silence each morning. I attribute this to Joan’s quietly persistent reminders that stress is a huge factor in how the body metabolizes food and energy. But how did I become willing to actually DO what I’ve known for years would be “good for me?” The magical combination of Joan’s non-judgmental, of-course-you-want-this enthusiasm, her immense, almost uncanny understanding of my body, and a plan of eating that repairs what had been so damaged in my body and my mind.
  4. My hair, skin, and nails are in great condition. People are shocked when I tell them my age. Need I say more?
  5. I don’t care what the scale says. Bulges are disappearing, all but melting off my body. Clothes that used to fit tightly or uncomfortably now slide on easily, and I feel beautifully healthy at 5’3″ 160 pounds.
  6. I have more energy, more optimism, more faith in a benign universe, more interest in sex, and a lot more joie de vivre. I found the gumption to leave a stifling job and go out on my own at age 61. How? Well, a lot of factors contributed to this sea change. But working with Joan gave me health and confidence, cleared my body and brain so I could really think about my life with my whole being. In a word, this work has changed my life. Who knew?

- Anonymous

"Hi! I went shopping with one of my friends for new work clothes and it was such a great experience. Primarily because it is SO nice to get dressed for work in clothes that fit me but also because I am a 6 (!!!) instead of a 12. Thank YOU"

- Emily

Joan is MY Health Guru!!!

Nutrition Littleton MA Patient Testimonials

“Once I saw the stunning transformation my daughter achieved in healing her body while working with Joan after invasive cancer surgery and chemo, I had to see if Joan could work a miracle with mine."

"Since the age of 3, I experienced a lifetime of gastrointestinal issues, ultimately requiring three major surgeries before I was 60. I was left incontinent and discouraged. Even multiple Silicon Valley specialists were unable to help. As multiple autoimmune diseases caused constant fatigue, I was forced to retire from a career I both needed and loved. Retirement did not improve my health and it was downhill from there. Until I met Joan!

Today at 82, after a year of working with Joan to undo a lifetime of the consequences of digestive distress, I am celebrating Wellness for the first time. Joan is far more than a Nutritionist. She is a total Wellness Coach who personalizes her treatments according to each patient’s individual needs. She brings to her program a unique combination of constantly researching her subject, a passionately inquiring mind, and an unwavering commitment to her clients. In short, Joan McDevitt is my Health Guru!"

- Marcia

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure: High to Normal Levels

“I started seeing Joan about my diet a few years ago. I had high cholesterol and blood pressure and was 45 lbs overweight and tired all the time."

"She helped me see that making a few small changes can make a big difference and it did. I started sleeping better and when I went to my doctor my blood pressure was normal and so was my cholesterol! I was so happy! I have lost 17 lbs so far and I have energy again.”

- Sandra

My Mind is Sharper and Energy is Great!

“I came to Joan after suffering for years with little appetite, depressed and not sleeping well. Joan showed me what to eat, when and why."

"She taught me what to stay away from and how food can heal my body. I never knew this before. After a few weeks, my mind is sharper and my energy is great! The whole purpose of coming to Joan was to learn how to eat. She saw the symptoms and knew how to correct my issues. I have lost 9lbs and this was an extra benefit for me. Thank you, Joan!”

- Andrea

Unlike Any Other Diet

“When I heard that Joan was taking new clients I signed up but not really believing that I could lose the weight that I wanted and get my sleep back. I have been on many diets, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast and the like so I had an idea what to expect…I thought!"

"I had no energy, thyroid issues, gallbladder removed and wanted to drop 20 lbs. Joan taught me the right way to eat for my body type and helped me finally understand what foods are good for me and which ones aren’t. She worked with me and now I feel so great!! My afternoon naps are all gone and I dropped 12lbs so far! My 7-year-old is very proud of me and so am I. I would definitely recommend Joan to anyone who wants to understand that food can heal us. Thanks, Joan!”

- Anonymous

- Suzanne

Chronic Joint Pain – Vanished!

“I have been suffering from chronic joint pain for the past eight years. Over those years, I have been to countless doctors, rheumatologists, and infectious disease specialists, all with little to no success in alleviating my pain. Then I found Joan…"

"Joan’s holistic knowledge, combined with her kindness and perceptions to identify specific areas of concern (both mind and body) has greatly improved the quality of my life. After a few weeks of following the individualized treatment plan, developed after consultation with Joan, I started to feel like myself again; I was getting my life back again.

I was amazed at how great I was starting to feel. The chronic pain that I had suffered with for years had disappeared. And as if that wasn’t enough, I had also lost 11 pounds in just four weeks of proper nutrition and weekly visits with Joan. Not to mention the energy I now have.

Joan is a gifted specialist who is extremely adept in her field. I strongly recommend her if you are suffering from any kind of pain. By far, this is the best thing that I have ever done for me. Thank you, Joan!!!!!”

- Julie

I Feel Better, Look Better, Sleep Better, and my Clothes Fit Better!

“After years of keeping weight off successfully, suddenly nothing worked anymore. I was eating less and less—including no sugar and very little fat—but I was slowly gaining. I figured I had a 'stuck' metabolism. Then a friend recommended Joan."

She must have x-ray vision because she knew everything about my inner workings just by asking what I eat, and how I felt. And she must be a magician because she coaxed me into making significant changes in my diet in a way I never thought possible. She must be a fairy godmother because she never took away anything without giving me something more wonderful in exchange.

Her bubbly enthusiasm and store of knowledge made the process completely painless, and I was willing to try all kinds of new things. After I began working with Joan, I felt better, looked better, slept better, and my clothes fit better—even before I started to lose pounds. I’m eating less, but I’m rarely hungry. And in a million years, I wouldn’t have thought I could give up diet soda and still be happy!

How does Joan do it? How did she persuade me to change eating habits that were so ingrained that I had given up all hope of ever changing, even if they were compromising my good health? She’s like a health cheerleader, a funny, wise encyclopedia of nutrition. And she’s got me thinking about the quality of my life in many areas besides food—now who would have thought I’d get THAT bonus from a nutrition counselor?”

- Gail

“Unlike any other diet. . . . I have been on many diets, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast and the like so I had an idea what to expect…I thought!"

"I had no energy, thyroid issues, gallbladder removed and wanted to drop 20 lbs. Joan taught me the right way to eat for my body type and helped me finally understand what foods are good for me and which ones aren’t. She worked with me and now I feel so great!! I would definitely recommend Joan to anyone who wants to understand that food can heal us. Thanks, Joan!”

- Catherine

“Throughout this experience, Molly has been transparent, considerate, and understanding. Her process is collaborative, thoughtful, and proactive. As you change, the plan changes. I am forever grateful to Molly and would recommend her to absolutely anyone."

- Liz

“I started seeing Molly 6 months ago after I’d gotten super sick during some traveling. When I got sick, I’d also been hit with my breaking point of acne frustration."

"I’d seen all the doctors, primary care, gynecologist, dermatologists. I even tried fancy medical spa treatments to address my issues. Nothing worked and I’d had enough. Within the first month of working with Molly, I noticed a difference. Not only did her methods work, but she explained them in a simple way so I could truly understand what we were doing and why! My goal wasn’t to lose weight but I found myself shedding pounds in the process, inflammation that I’d assumed was just part of who I am... who knew I had abs under there?!? The acne has gotten SO much better - it is almost gone! Oh, and my stomach is very healthy now! Working with Molly has been a dream, not just for fixing my frustrating problems but also to learn about my body and how it works. You only get one body in this life, so understanding how to take care of it from the inside out is the biggest reward and Molly Rose is the real deal!”

- Samantha

“When I first came to Molly, I had been dealing with weight loss, digestion, constipation and bloating issues for what felt like my entire life. I had also been through serious medical treatments and never felt like the energy I had before them returned."

"I was frustrated, sad all the time and extremely self conscious. I had tried different methods on my own to lose weight and the number on the scale only crept up. In six months of working with Molly, I have lost a total of twenty lbs, which for me is a lot. I have more energy than I’ve had in years and I don’t crave the same unhealthy foods as I did before. My entire outlook on self confidence has changed in addition to the physical benefits of working with Molly. It is so transparent how much Molly cares about her clients. It is incredibly easy to discuss awkward topics related to the body with her. She is funny, approachable and knows what she is talking about. She customizes each plan for all of her clients based on their struggles, desires and symptoms. If a life change is what you are searching for, I insist that you work with Molly.”

- Beth

“Working with Molly has been nothing short of life changing. With Molly’s guidance I have been able to do the work needed to reclaim my life, while simultaneously rediscovering myself from the inside out. I am a completely different person than I was 7 months ago, not to mention 20 pounds lighter."

"Losing weight was never the goal but as I centered my attention around cleansing from the inside out, the weight seamlessly started to fall off. Molly has taught me HOW to listen to my body so that I can give it what it truly craves each day. As I move forward in my career as a professional dancer, I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained, and have never felt stronger or happier in my entire life. Thank you Molly!”

- Jennifer

“I can’t remember a time in my life when I felt truly healthy. It started with doctors appointments for constipation before I could even walk, then strep throat multiple times a year, “acne”, spinal cord damage, allergies, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disorders- almost anything you can think of."

"I had all of the diagnoses but wasn’t getting better. One thing improved and another fell apart. I had all but given up until I spoke with Molly. Having been through multiple treatments, I was skeptical, but Molly had an incredible amount of confidence, knowledge, and, ultimately, her own story, vivaciousness, and lust for life convinced me. I haven’t looked back!”

- Elizabeth

My moms digestion is so much better!

"My Mom has been sick for a long time when we arrived at Joan’s office. Joan could tell right away that she had an infection that had gone undetected. The doctors kept saying that they didn't know why her white blood count was high, but looking at her blood work and hearing her symptoms Joan knew."

"My mom had trouble with her bowels her whole life (82) and Joan helped her so much she could eat again. I brought her in the carrot ginger soup recipe from Joan and she was able to start eating. She swears by it and that saved her life. Her energy and strength came back."

- Christine F.

Amazing health improvements! I’m a new person.

"I came in with severe pain in my entire body and felt as though I was  close to death. No exaggeration!"

"I had foggy brain, poor sleep, poor concentration, depression, high cortisol levels, weight issues, no energy, anxiety, pain all over, pale face, constipation and inflammation. I was totally out of tune with my body and felt I couldn't breath. I had IBS, I was afraid of eating food.

Now, I feel like a new person. Joan has given me the power and knowledge to read my body especially given how sensitive my body is. I’m alert and I have a higher quality of life. I’m happier, less stressed, fat lose, clear mind, a lot more active lifestyle. More social confidence. Major improvement in IBS. I have regular bowel movements. The digestive enzymes have helped. I can feel my body processing them. I breathe better.

I can feel more in tune with my body now! Blessed to find Joan."

- Colleen C.

Relief for painful joint inflammation!

"Best Fit Nutrition has helped me with painful joints inflammation. I experienced a noticeable decrease in my Physical Pain. My personal experience working with Best Fit Nutrition It was amazing! I love Joan!"

- Jillian B.

RA Symptoms Decreased!

"Almost 3 months into my work with Joan, I have experienced a significant decrease in my RA Symptoms, more than 20 lb weight loss and greater mental focus. I turned 50 feeling better more energized then I did when I was 40. I have referred many friends to Joan who also seem to be benefiting from this new approach to eating and lifestyle. So happy!"

- Linda H.

Skin issue cleaned up!

"After 5 months with Joan I feel emotionally and physically well. The greatest bonus is my skin. After 20 years of dealing with psoriasis, my skin is really clear. I’m so pleased."

- Lisa

Within less than a month I FELT results!

"For close to 30 years I have struggled with stomach issues in the form of chronic constipation, cramping, bloating and throwing and going at the same time. I am and have been very active my entire life. Running, hiking, yoga, Zumba, etc. Further, my diet was not horrible. Nuts, salads, yogurt, etc. and I was not overweight, though I felt heavy."

"Over the past 20 years I have seen multiple doctors searching for answers and have been told to increase fiber in my diet, take Metamucil daily and that not everyone has a bowel movement every day. I was lucky if I had two or three a week, if at all. In 2017 I started to have migraines with nausea that kept me home from work. After multiple migraines I went to the doctor and walked away with two new prescriptions. One for the migraine and one for the nausea. I walked away saying to myself, ENOUGH, IT’S TIME TO FIND THE CAUSE!

In October 2017 I started working with Joan McDevitt at Best Fit Nutrition. My intake form gave her a lot to work with and she told me she could and would help me with more than just the constant constipation. I was hopeful and eager to start on my healing journey.
Joan gave me my personal instructions and within less than a month I FELT results!!! The first thing I noticed was the pain in my lower back (due to fall that left me without a disc between my L5 S1 and was advised to have back surgery to fuse the area) was unbelievably better. My stomach was calm, my head was clearer, my outlook was more positive and as a result of eating clean, I lost weight.

It has almost been 1 year since I began my journey with Joan and I have told her multiple times that she has really changed my life!! Constipation gone, migraines gone, back pain went from daily 8-10 to 0-3, seasonal allergies (three years of allergy shots) gone, my head and thinking is unbelievably clearer and my emotional state is so much better. My husband and children have commented on how I am so much calmer and easy going than I used to be…..they wished I had found Joan years ago!

As I age my goal is to grow old gracefully, something I didn’t believe would happen by continuing to only work with my health provider ...I now believe that as I continue to work with Joan and implement what I have and continue to learn that is exactly what I will do!"

- Nanette M.

I lost 15 pounds but gained a new life!

"I came to Best Fit Nutrition because I needed help to focus and feel better overall. I was gaining weight and felt tired all the time. I had emotional Issues. I got great results from the powerful Best Fit Nutrition plan. I’m able to focus. I’m sleeping better.I’m feeling better, happier and more peaceful."

"I heard about Joan from a friend who mentioned that she was seeing some nutritionist. I saw the changes and decided to try for the first time. I learned how to love, care and take care of myself and my loved ones. I lost 15 pounds but gained a new life!"

- Natalia L.

I finally understood what to eat for my body type.

"Joan allowed me to understand food for the first time in my life. I know what food fuel my body and I make decisions everyday to improve my health. I’ve lost weight without sacrifice. Its an exciting journey and made very easy with Joan’s guidance and support.

Thank You!"

- Natalie

I lost 25 pounds and learned the way to keep it off!

"I met Joan a year ago . My friend at work was her patient and recommended her to me. I came looking for help with losing weight and learn the way to keep it off."

"I also developed some sleeping and digestive problems. Joan worked with me step by step trying different approaches to help me. As a result I lost 25 pounds. I sleep much better now, my energy level is higher. Joan is highly motivating and supportive professional. She understands the crazy lifestyles some people have, and trying to adjust to recommendations for different styles, at the same time sticking with the points of her method."

- Olga

Never thought I needed a nutritionist!

"I was living my everyday life thinking my low energy levels were normal. I eat very well and couldn’t figure out how to lose the extra pounds I gained from 2008."

"I just agreed that this would work and it was alright. This is what happens when we get older!

Then I had a lucky streak when I bumped into Joan. I liked chatting with her socially upon meeting her then I asked if I could come in for a session. I grew up in a super healthy family and never thought I needed a nutritionist. I decided to try something new because what I have been doing was not working to the degree I had wanted.

After one visit, I urged my mother and father to join me on this nutritious adventure. Little did we know this would be life changer for all of us. My mother and I connect more to chat about health and how easy has been on our path to getting clean.

Energy is a non issue. In fact , today I came into the office asking if it was possible to have too much energy!! I feel clean, clear and focused. Losing weight was a side effect to getting healthy and it has been easy to keep it off.

I don't think it would be possible to get back to the way I was with all the knowledge I have gained from Joan.

My family and myself thank her for skyrocketing our quality of life.

Many Thanks!"

- Rebecca J.S.

I got my life change that I was looking for, remotely!

"I wanted to take a moment to thank Joan for helping me feel better than ever! I’m 51 years old and healthy but the last few years my body just didn’t feel right. I was tired, not sleeping well, and could not shed the extra weight that I’d gained over the last five years."

"I was working out and eating healthy but I knew I needed more. Fortunately, I heard about Joan through one of her patients (who looked fabulous!) and even though I don’t live in Boston, I decided to sign up for her remote coaching program and I’m so glad I did. Since working with Joan I am back to my old energetic self.

I particularly like her focus on food to heal the body and above all, how she customizes the requirements. There’s nothing cookie cutter about Joan; she develops a program tailored to you and that’s why she’s able to get real results with her patients. I’m sleeping well and waking up fully refreshed, I have energy throughout the day and I’ve lost the stubborn weight. I feel 21!

Thanks Joan!"

- Silvia P.

I am 60 yrs old and never thought I could do this work, and yet I can and I am! 

"Joan has been invaluable to me and I am so grateful for the work we are doing. As someone with a history of trauma, I have found that my nervous system had been in survival mode for forever. With Joan’s help and guidance, I am rewiring my body’s response and seeing the benefits in my sleep, my reactivity when under stress, and my body overall. I am 60 yrs old and never thought I could do this work, and yet I can and I am. A holistic approach is powerful and effective at the core, and as Joan rightly says, once healed it is permanent. So very grateful."

- Lori M., Massachusetts 


By Appointment

9:00am - 7:00pm

10:00am - 4:00pm

9:00am - 7:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm


Best Fit Nutrition - Littleton
8 Priest Lane
Littleton, MA 01460
(617) 999-5202

Best Fit Nutrition - Fairhaven
70 Seaview Avenue
Fairhaven, MA 02719
(617) 999-5202

Best Fit Nutrition - New York
180 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
(617) 999-5202